Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Goodbye Garth

I find this somewhat disappointing.

It is unfortunate that we have lost an MP in parliament. However, Garth is playing this like he is the victim rather than the guy who couldn't respect the idea of caucus confidentiality.

I agree with his fellow caucus members to kick him out. How can you have even an informal debate if you think that any comment you make is going to end up on someone's blog.

There are pros and cons to the party-based parliamentary system (and it is not my intention to debate the merits of party-unity) but when you run under the party banner, and you sign on to the ideas of the party and when you lead the people of your riding to believe that you are a conservative, what does that say about your character when you jump ship mid-way.

I am sure that there are many conservatives who will jump at the chance to run under the conservative banner in Halton in the next election.


Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm back...

Sorry for the delay in blogging.

My municipal re-election bid was unsuccessful tonight, and I can afford to be philisophical.

I have no regrets about the decisions I made on council and the campaign I ran.

In the end, two incumbents were defeated, myself and a Ward 3 councillor. Or as I say the far left and the far right were defeated. However, the new incumbents represent the far left and the far right, so the make up of council has not changed.

This will obviously give me lots more time for blogging and I will be commenting on our friend Garth tomorrow.

Good to be back


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