Monday, August 30, 2004


I'm not a fan of award shows. I find them boring and uninspired. However, I have become a real fan of both the MTV Music and Movie Award shows. In the past, they have been absolutely hilarious and in some cases, I have actually watched the reruns when they've been on MuchMusic.

So, I was obviously excited (I have no life) when the MTV Music Awards were aired last night. Unfortunately, like a lot of TV on the air these days, I was extremely disappointed.

They totally sucked!!

There was no host, the sound kept getting screwed up, there were a lot of unnecessary delays and the crowd in the front rows needed to be sedated. They were so loud and obnoxious the winners couldn't even hear themselves when they were giving their speeches.

Both my wife and I kept changing the channel often throughout the broadcast. You know its bad when we'd rather be watching an A&E biography on Issac Newton.

Biggest shock of the night? The Kerry daughters actually got booed! Never thought I'd see that at an award show.

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