Wednesday, August 11, 2004


While I am somewhat embarassed that this is a day late (and of course a dollar short), I wanted to take a minute to give tribute to my Mother (Wendy) and my Father (Barry) who celebrated their 36TH wedding anniversary yesterday.

In a time when the divorce rate is at 50% and society makes it extremely easy to back out of wedding vows, I wanted to say publicly how proud I am of my parents. They are role model for young couples like me who are just starting out. As many of you would agree, its somewhat of a daunting task. No one wants intends to get divorced when they marry; it happens over time.

But my parents (and Peggles parents for that matter) have stayed together though it all.

One day I asked them how they did it. It wasn't a magic formula and they didn't indulge in heavy barbituates (unless TV qualifies as a barbituate). This is what they told me was the key to their suucess:

1) Communication--talk to each other and work through your problems;
2) Humour--life is too short to to be mad all the time and sometimes, you just have to laugh at yourself ;
3) Memories--never forget what made you fall in love in the first place; focus on the good times;

Some sage advice.

So here's to you Mom and Dad. Happy Anniversary*. I'm very proud of you both.

*This post qualifies as your present.

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