Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Wow! The future is now! This is the first posting of what I'm sure to be an extremely uninteresting blog. Allow me to provide some context. Ever feel that you have something to say, but you just don't have a bully pullpit to exploit? Yeah, me too. So, I've decided to start a blog. The best thing about these things is that I can say whatever I want, when I want. Which, is not unlike my eating habits.

So it begins.

I have just survived a number of events that would make a lesser man fall down and beg his God to smite him (just kidding, Peggles). I turned 30 in May, got married 2 weeks later and I am about to buy a house. Am I going crazy? Totally possible.

But am I loving it? Yep.

So, I have decided to use this medium as an opportunity to brain dump into cyberspace. I figured that I should have the opportunity to talk smack like everyone else. If Susan Sarandon can comment on the war in Iraq, why can't I make my opinions known to anyone and everyone?

So here's my sinister plan--I will be writing about lots of things about my life and the world around me--some serious, some not, and I will publish them here. It's like there's a party in my head and everyone's invited.... but no one came. I'm hoping this will evolve over time (my Mom had the same aspirations for me) and will be worth reading some day.

Until then, you get what you pay for.

I'll talk at you soon.

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