Thursday, September 23, 2004

Poor Stacie J

But they keep losing.
I'm kind of sensing a different approach with the big DT this time. Last time, the evaluation process was pretty straight forward: success or failure. This time, while he is focusing on substantial but unrelated actions or issues (Stacie's wig out and Bradford trying to be a big man), they are saving people who straight-up failed at their job. How many times can Ivana be saved by someone doing something really wierd? Maria should have been fired, no question about it.
I'm not sure if it will make for better TV, as all the interesting personalities are being smoked. All you're going to be left with are guys like Rick--he was commenting on the QE2 and I swear I had never seen him before (sounds like he's following my "Rule of Invisibility").
One other point: I am severely unimpressed with the efforts of both teams this time. How many of you out there are concerned about the future if these are the "best and brightest"? Pretty boring B-school crop this time around. I would have had a street team for the promotion, getting out to hot spots, subways, etc, while my second team hit the newswire, radio stations, internet, whatever. Piazza was pretty good, but they didn't have to do much work.
One last thing--I hate misleading ads. Where was the "Boardroom shocker"? That they all were called back in? Not exactly Must See TV.
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