Monday, October 18, 2004


Believe it or not, I watched the CBC yesterday. For a whole hour. The monentous occasion? I tuned in to see who woul dbe on the list of finalists to be designated "The Greatest Canadian". After my initial disappointment from not making the list myself, I wanted to see who "voters" had paired down to the top 10. These individuals would then be part of a "campaign" over the coming weeks as viewers/voters/CBC indicated their view.

So you don't have to bother tuning in, here is the list. My wifey is obviously proud that two of the finalists are from her hometown, Brantford.
  1. Tommy Douglas (Great Grandfather of swell Canadian actor Keifer Sutherland)
  2. Wayne Gretzky (A hockey player--I think finished his career with some Junior A team)
  3. Don Cherry (Loveable loudmouth and Quizno's shill)
  4. Sir John A. MacDonald (Only good cabinet is a liquor cabinet)
  5. Terry Fox (Hero--no sarcastic descriptor--I'm not a monster, you know!)
  6. Dr. Fredrick "Freddy B" Banting (Invented insulin, insisted on no one profitting from it--should be cause for elimination right there)
  7. Lester B. Pearson (Named after the airport)
  8. Alexander Graham Bell (Ruthless CEO of largest Canadian monopoly, Bell Canada)
  9. David Suzuki (Environmental activism cheapened by "Sidekick" rollover controversy)
  10. Pierre Trudeau (Greatest PM ever--absolutely nothing negative comes to mind)

Quite a group. You can check out the rest of the list here. Vote early, vote often.

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