Monday, October 25, 2004


Living as I do in Toronto, Canada's largest city, I sometimes feel a little alone as a Conservative. Everywhere you look, people rail against the right wing and make you feel like somewhat of a political leper: "You don't think port-o-potties for those poor homeless people is the right thing to do? Shame on you!"

Especially if you are a fan of Dubya. Poll after poll show that Canadians downright loathe this President, which makes me SO proud. At times, I almost feel "un-Canadian" for supporting Bush's re-election. And the constant defence gets tiring. You get the feeling that this is the most hated President in the nation's history.

Until you look waaaaaaaaay back to 1984.

In that election, where Ronald Reagan was running for re-election against Walter Mondale, the American Left equally hated Reagan's administration. As a column from Jennifer Nelson on reminds us:

"If you buy their version of the Reagan presidency, he invented homelessness, eliminated birth control for the poor and personally killed thousands in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras. He created AIDS and apartheid and single-handedly broke the back of organized labor. You think the liberals dislike Don Rumsfeld? Just ask them about James Watt!

Don't forget about Reagan's "assault on the poor." No, the left wing of American politics couldn't just disagree with Reagan's economic policies -- he was assaulting the poor."

Sound familiar? And look how Reagan did. He laid the electoral smackdown on Mondale in the subsequent election. Not that I'm suggesting that Dubya will clean Kerry's clock, but it is reassuring to know that Reagan went through the same crap as well.

It makes me feel better that when the leftist hand-wringers in the media and in the Democratic party talk about how the last four years have been the most controversial in history, I know they have no sense. Of history.

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