Tuesday, October 26, 2004


As reader K-mac pointed out to me, talk about being something you're not...behold the great pretender!

Kerry strikes out as Boston Red Sox leave him red-faced


SENATOR John Kerry’s efforts to portray himself as "just a regular American guy" suffered a blow this weekend when he comprehensively messed up the scoreline at a game featuring his beloved Boston Red Sox. Twice on Sunday, the Democrat said he was basking in the glory of Boston’s 10-9 win on Saturday night.

The problem was, the Red Sox won 11-9.

"Ten-nine, the Sox did fabulous," Mr Kerry said with a big smile as he ducked into church on Sunday morning in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Inside, the minister asked worshippers to clap "if the Lord has done anything wonderful in your life this week", to which Mr Kerry applauded. "I had a special reason to clap," Mr Kerry explained. "The Red Sox won 10-9."

Mr Kerry’s spokesman, David Wade, said the senator got the score wrong because 10-9 was the last update he got during his late-night flight to Florida. The problem is, the score never was 10-9. The Sox won on a two-run homer, meaning they went from nine runs to 11. Regardless, Mr Kerry’s adviser, Mike McCurry, explained to reporters: "The senator had bad intelligence last night."
However, the confusion struck again within hours of his team’s second game. Landing in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the Democratic candidate bounded off the plane wearing his Red Sox cap to exclaim: "Seven-one Red Sox!"

The Red Sox were winning 6-1 at the time.

They went on to win 6-2.

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