Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Well, I did my good deed for the day and I praised the Lie-berals. But will shortlived. Remember when Dalton said he wouldn't raise taxes? Remember when he said that the new OHIP tax hike was merely a "premium"?

Next time your Lib friends talk to you about all the great things Dalton has done (I'd like to hear that list, if it exists) and how he's always "played it straight with voters", I'd like you to take this quote out of your pocket--which you've printed, folded and held on to for just such an occasion--and read it to your misguided friend:

"But the intention remains the same, and it's been very clear from the outset, this is a tax provision found within the Income Tax Act and our intention is that taxpayers will pay this new premium."

-Dalton McGuinty, October 25, 2004

So much for it being an OHIP premium. This is a tax on the middle class, period. Oh look--Dalton's pants are on fire.

You might lose that friend for showing them up at a social gathering, but who needs friends that vote Liberal anyway?

(via LetItBleed)

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