Monday, November 22, 2004

The Dyspeptic Duo

Sorry for the extreme delay. I was *gasp* unable to watch The Apprentice on Thursday, but I managed to avoid finding out who got fired and I watched the re-run last night on Prime.
I guess the dual firing was supposed to be "shocking", but I have noticed for the last two weeks that the numbers didn't add up. There were two more (so, one more double dose of "you're fired" to come) candidates than there were weeks left to go, so I knew the Big D was going to have to find some way to bring it back in line.
- While I'm sure you all noticed my TV crush on Maria, she was getting wierder and wierder. As my astute (and of course, far more beautiful) wife pointed out, when Maria is in full "spin mode" her eyes start blinking rapidly. She spent almost the entire time blinking like a stunned cat.
- What was with her blitzkrieg-like march to failure? Why did Maria seem so bent on taking over this project? I would have let Wes do what he was born to do: fail miserably.
- DT was right to fire them both. In their own way, both totally owned the Apex failure. Wes couldn't put his foot down and Maria tried to once again apply her "sex sells anything" motto--without using the one part of the body they wanted: the bee-hind. Which is a tragedy, in my humble opinion.
- On the other side, Jen totally went down in my eyes. Yeah, she's hot (not as hot as my wife), but she demonstrated two huge character flaws that trump (pun!) hotness: stupidity and outright theft of someone else's glory.
- Ivana's an idiot, but she nailed the task. It was all about her. I couldn't believe Jen--who didn't even understand the "wheel" concept to begin with--was up their taking credit. Maybe Ivana was distracted by the pool Sweaty McGee was creating while making his pitch and Jen was able to jump in.
- Andy's dead unless he's a hero next week.
As I said before, I think this is going to come down to two guys: Sweaty (read: Kevin) and Whoopie* (read: Kelly). All the rest are just along for the slaughter.
Let the carnage commence!
*A lifetime subscription to CH if you can figure out the reference
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