Monday, February 07, 2005

Dan, Dan the Music Man

And this season continues to impress. I quite enjoyed this last episode, and I have to say that the Big D made the right decision. However, many that I have talked to who watch A3 really didn't like ol' Danny Boy. While unsuprising, it might make the show less interesting to watch, which would be a shame. I have to say, though, that this guy was just horrible. He reminded me of a "corporate morale director" who is responsible for "silly hat day" and the Friday afternoon "group hug". He probably also sings songs to his girlfriend to express how much he enjoyed their date at Olive Garden together. Yeah, makes me want to vomit too.
And the dude's 39. How sad.
So, onto some random thoughts:
- The only "creative" thing Danny did was wear a tie over his t-shirt. In BOTH tasks where he was asked to come up with a "great marketing idea" he flamed out. This guy was a professional bull---t artist and it showed. I still think his "baseball promotion" for BK was just a train wreck. Memo to Danny: get a new gig. "Professional ass" doesn't pay much.
- Its mediocrity, not mediocracy, dumbass!
- Who the hell is Kendra? Does she even do anything on the show? When she was dismissed out of the boardroom by DT I said "Who the hell as that?" As far as I know she's had about 3.8 seconds of screentime. A real anchor for the team.
- While it has been documented in this series that sex sells (especially when its women doing the selling), Michael still acted like a child. Doesn't he looks like someone that likes to slap his kids around? I think he's a marked man.
- Speaking of Michael, I think its funny that DT is completely ambiguous when asked a direct question by Danny about whether Michael can be fired (as he has an exemption) and then goes on to tell him "rules are rules" and that he in no way could be fired, as he is exempt--after Danny picked him to go into the boardroom.
- Verna will go far in life--she gets picked out of 1 million candidates to be on a nationally televised show and then quits because she's too tired. With that kind of gumption, I'm sure she'll be a real success.
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