Friday, February 11, 2005

Even her eyebrows are evil

Its true. When she's talking to you, they have this wierd, evil arch to them. Anyway, it was another good episode, although I'm not quite convinced that the Big D and Mark Burnett aren't just trying to come up with twists to keep things fresh. Well, whatever--it works.
Nevertheless, please consider this episode as Exhibit W as to why my friends and colleagues could kick both teams butts. They suck right now.
- Like in other seasons, they are systematically eliminating all the colourful characters, leaving only mainstream, cookie cutter finalists. Kelly? Bill? Kwame? Jennifer? Who did people talk about on the show more, Bill or Omorosa? I know--Bill's solid. But not exactly a personality. Look at this season--Danny? Gone. Brian? Gone. Won't be long until Bren, Erin, Michael, etc are history.
- Speaking of Bren and Michael, Erin saved their ass. Bren should have been on the chopping block for that horrible, horrible "Sex in the Salad" commerical.
- In a related point, Michael shouldn't of. He didn't do anything wrong on this task. In fct, he questioned the direction but soldiered along anyway.
- Erin is a World Class bullshitter.
- I'm sure that "enraged actress #1" was genuine. Two theories: 1) A ploy for more screen time or 2) Producer-enduced drama. But Bren sure did look like the Man in calming her down.
- I think rager Chris will kill someone if he has a change. He seems to be holding on a little too tight. You know he has potential for drama when DT specifically asks him for comment. Although I'm not sure how he could comment, as I'm pretty confident he just skipped the task. Did anyone actually see him?
- Again on Chris, what's with his bizarre rant about homosexuals? His point--that it caters to a small market--was fair enough but the whole thing was just weird. Especially when he kept emphasizing "HOMOSEXUAL". But the classic was when DT stopped to ask him: "Chris, are you a homosexual?" That was awesome.
- John has serious potential. His concept was funny--just poorly executed by Evilbrow.
- Street Smarts had the better commerical. Some might say that it was only "marginally better", which is true. But some teams have won tasks by 10 cents. That's marginal.
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