Friday, February 11, 2005


Look, I'm a fan of tradition.

I actually think that the Order of Canada is an important institution in this country.

But you have to start wondering how they choose this particular honour. Frankly, I thought it was a lot more exclusive. No offense to any of the 74 recipients who were awarded the Order yesterday. I'm sure they're fine individuals who have made great contributions to their local communities.

But look at some of the recipients:

A former MuchMusic VJ? (Denise Donlon)

A movie director? (Denys Arcand)

A founding member of the rock group "Lighthouse"? (Paul Hoffert)

Sir Fredrick Banting I can understand. Wayne Gretzky I can understand. Former PM's I can understand.

Even Lloyd Robertson I can understand.

But man, you'd think the list would be a little more discriminating. Are we running out of great Canadians to honour? Maybe its because they don't award the Order posthumously.

I'm seriously considering putting my name forward as a nominee. If all these people can get it, then why can't I? Maybe you should to.

Here's the form.

UPDATE: Colbert's Comments makes a great point about ex-pat Paul Anka getting the OoC.

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