Monday, March 14, 2005

John, Where art thou?

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. It wasn't so long ago that a bright new star emerged on the recent edition of The Apprentice. John, was an IT company owner, a former nightclub owner and from what I could tell pretty smart and had a great way with people. We all might recall that he was running things on the first task as the PM for running a Burger King.
That was then. This is now.
Frankly, he deserved to be fired. From the "lets pimp my female teammates" comments to the fact that he showed almost no imagination when negotiating with the "big rock stars" (and I use that term loosely), he was just abig disappointment.
- The promos talked about someone who was "starstruck" on the task. Who was that? I didn't see anyone who was overly drooling over themselves.
- Chris needs anger management classes.
- Tana going all "b-girl" was hilarious. Watching her let loose with the "street slang" was priceless.
- Oh, and Tana--the "F" in "MILF" does not stand for "fooling around with".
- Erin is awesome. And her gig as the auction hostess? Wow.
- Annnnnyway, she's a serious threat. She's not "Jennifer smart"; she's actually smart.
- This was the second time that someone was about to be fired and deflected the criticism to save their own ass. Chris was about to go down until he brought up the whole "post production is key" argument. He just lost one of his 9 lives.
- As much of an ass as John was, he was still a stronger candidate that Chris. I think "the rager" is on borrowed time.
If I had to predict who will be left standing in the final round, I'd say its going to be Alex versus Erin. That's my 4-star prediction.
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