Wednesday, March 02, 2005


I think this is an absolutely critical news item in the road to democracy in the Middle East:

"Ten more people died from injuries in Monday's car bombing in Hillah, south of Baghdad, raising the death toll to 125. The attacker detonated the bomb as a group of police and national guard recruits were lining up to take physicals at a medical clinic.

At least 141 others were injured in the blast - the boldest challenge yet to Iraq's efforts to build a security force that can take over from the Americans.

More than 2,000 people held the impromptu demonstration on front of the clinic, chanting "No to terrorism!" and "No to Baathism and Wahhabism!"

Wahhabism is a reference to adherents of the strict form of Sunni Islam preached by Osama bin Laden, while the Baath party was the political organization that ran Iraq under Saddam Hussein."

2,000 Iraqis protesting against terrorists and suicide bombers.

Absolutely amazing.

No wonder we're seeing this. I'd be changing tactics too.

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