Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Oprah showing her humble lifestyle

I was flipping through the channels on the ol' idiot box on Monday and I came across the Oprah Winfrey Show. What caught my attention (I swear to God) was all these beautiful women about my age of varying nationalities talking about what it is like to be a 30-year old woman in their country.
What really caught my eye was the segment on Cuba.
The piece focused on a 30-year old dancer who talked up how great the communist dictatorship was. She says she would never have been such a "success" (barely getting by, but at least she's on stage!) if she went to another country. And the surprising part was that the CNN correspondent narrating the piece and the show's audience all seem to be in agreement with them!
I don't have a transcript, but here are some highlights from memory:
- Women's Rights: Unlike other countries, because its a socialist country, there is much more equality amongst men and women. In fact, if a man is cheating on you, you can get a divorce in 5 minutes and for less that $5.00 ($3.50, actually). Most women have already been divorced 3 times by the time they're 30! Abortions are legal and easy to access. Most Cuban women have also had on average 4 abortions by the time they are 30 (I guess 1 for each marriage, plus a bonus).
- Equity in income: Standard of living is poor, but that's OK because everyone makes about the same. The correspondent actually said "The dancer only makes $25 a month, but its the same salary as a doctor." Like its a good thing!
- Healthcare: You don't own a car and you live in a shack, but don't worry--the state picks up all heathcare costs, education up to college. They even pay for some food rations! Yippee! Now I can get that extra (cardboard) fibre gruel. Mmmmmm.....
The piece ends and there's the Big O and the audience doing their "Ooooooo" and "Ahhhhhhhh" routine like this is some sort of feminist utopia. I couldn't believe it. I spent the whole time thinking to myself: "I wonder how Oprah would take to making the same as a factory worker or a shoeshine boy." I suspect it would be a rough transition.
Anyway, I'm not sure how living in Cuba would be a desireable thing, but the gals in the audience looked ready to sign up.
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