Monday, January 16, 2006


Even when they are responding to a Tory misstep, the FIBerals can't stop in fabricating the truth to suit their goals.

Paul Darby, Chief Economist of the Conference Board of Canada stated that two major items (Healthcare Wait Time Guarantee, Provincial Fiscal Imbalance Redress) in the Conservative platform were not a part of the version he looked at when originally costing it.

Okay, so what do the FIBerals do? Why, stretch the truth, of course.

From their press release:

"Conference Board Economist Can No Longer Stand By Conservative Platform Costing: 'Talk to Harper'"

January 15, 2006

Ottawa – The prominent economist who was hired by the Conservatives to verify their platform said today he can no longer stand by his costing because he was not given all the numbers.
Paul Darby, Deputy Chief Economist of the Conference Board of Canada, told Canadian press today that the version of the Conservative platform that he was given to vet didn’t include its health care guarantee and its promise to redress the so-called “fiscal imbalance” between Ottawa and the provinces.

“Those are two items that are not in what I was presented to analyze,” Darby said. “Those items were not costed, which leads me to believe that they're something that they're having under consideration that they're not committed to.”

When asked about the costing, Mr. Darby replied: “Talk to Harper.

“It is not in the platform I received from them.”

Fair enough.

But where exactly did he say he "no longer stands by his costing"?

He didn't.

In fact, Darby later went on to reaffirm that he stands by his original costing.

Frankly, I think Harper and the Tories were right to keep those two items out of the platform. There is not specific number and they can't negotiate with provinces during an election campaign.

If the surplus projections were razor thin or even non-existant, then I could understand why a promise such as this would be problematic. But with a surplus, the provinces have a pretty good idea as to what's in the kitty.

But that won't stop the Liberals from misquoting Darby.

Once again, Paul Martin just can't stick to the facts.

The FIBerals--liberal with your money, liberal with the truth.

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