Sunday, January 22, 2006


Greetings from Southwestern Ontario. I want to be cautious about where I am (FIBerals can read!), but I can tell you that Harper visited us this weekend

I'm heading up Election Day efforts for this riding. I can tell you that things here are coming together quite well. We've spend the entire weekend strengthening our E-Day team and putting everything in place to have a smooth, well-run electoral effort.

I took a walk to the local FIBeral campaign, and I wasn't surprised by what I saw: the campaign office was basically empty, and when I asked (innocently) about their e-day efforts, it was mostly phone-based, which tells me they're short on volunteers. Not a surprise when your "victory" party is set to be more of a wake than a celebration.

Our riding is one that is "on the bubble". We lost by over 10,000 last time, but as we all know, in this contest, the past doesn't really predict the future. We have a fantastic candidate and a very strong NDP campaign. While we could always use new volunteers, we have enough to cover our bases.

This is also a "519" riding, one we need to pick up if we hope for form a strong minority or a majority. I will predict a win with a 500- 1,000 vote margin. If we lose big here, it will be quite the upset for Liberals in Ontario if not Canada. The demographics are favourable to us, so if voters here don't buy our message, that spells trouble for us across the country.

In any event, I wish all Tories across Canada good luck. I hope to blog over the day and I look forward to reading the "tale of the tape" when I get back home.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

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