Thursday, March 09, 2006


Stop! Hold Up!

I wanted to be the first to tell you that there WILL be peace in the Middle East in 3-5 days.

How do I, a young(ish) blogger from the Great White North, know this?

Because actress Sharon Stone is on the file. And she's ready to get busy.

Stone shows Basic Instinct for peace
Mar. 9, 2006. 06:35 AM
TEL AVIV, Israel—Actress Sharon Stone is ready to do her part for Mideast end the Israel-Arab conflict.

She arrived in Israel on Tuesday for a five-day trip sponsored by the Peres Center for Peace, founded by Nobel Peace laureate Shimon Peres in 1996 to improve relations with Arabs. It's her first visit to the Holy Land.

Stone, best known for her role in 1992's Basic Instinct, told a news conference yesterday she couldn't solve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians but could use her fame to help encourage peace efforts."

Wow. And there's nothing she won't do to fulfill her mission:

"I would kiss just about anybody for peace in the Middle East," she said, drawing laughter from a throng of Israeli reporters. Stone playfully turned down calls to give Peres, who was at the news conference, a peck on the cheek."

Amazing. For a lasting end to the conflict in the middle east, Sharon Stone is willing to put it all on the line. She is literally willing to kiss (almost) anyone for peace.

Talk about self sacrifice. *Sniff*

Except Shimon Peres, apparently.

As an aside, how much of a nerd do you feel like if Sharon Stone says she'd kiss pretty well anyone for peace and then when asked to kiss you she says "No thanks".

His pillow will be wet tonight. Oh wait--that came out poorly.

Hollywood: Kissing for Peace.

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