Friday, March 24, 2006

Buy me a coffee...

This just means that for every 72 hours, I could afford one share. (A scientific caluclation based on my 5 Tim coffees per day :-) )

On the political front, the Ontario Liberals have decided to buy a new car before paying of the old one. (or in this case a new bus).

It will be interesting to see what actually happens for small/rural municipalities.

After promising small-town Ontario stable funding, the Liberals immediately halted the CRF funding the Tories implemented to help offset downloading, they replaced it with OMPF funding which was half of what they used to get, only to be told it would be ZERO after 2007.

Got to hand it to the Liberals for keeping that promise. Zero funding for the next 20 years is what I would call stable at least.

Q out

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