Friday, March 10, 2006


Do you have what it takes to be a Hipster?

For a lot of different reasons, I have decided its time to hang up the ol' spurs and give up being The Conservative Hipster.

While a lot of people have been doing this a lot longer than me, I do feel like I got in before the "blog wave" and really learn about blogging from the ground floor.

That being said, I've come to the conclusion that I really want to start talking about other things and I can't do that in this space. So, I have decided to move on.

However, I would like CH continue. I've spent a long while getting this thing up and running and frankly, its not a bad li'l blog. While I don't drive the readership of an Instapundit or an Inkless Wells, I do have a fairly healthy steady readership (that hit counter didn't get there on its own!). This blog is already a member of the Blogging Tories, Red Ensign Brigade and Tories in Toronto

So, I'm willing to take offers on taking over CH. Obviously, I would strip off all the personal stuff for the new user, but it is a turn key operation. Once I give you the new passwords, you're ready to go. No, I'm not looking for offers of the monetary variety, I'm looking for someone who wants to take this blog to the next level. This blog is already a member of the Blogging Tories, Red Ensign Brigade and Tories in Toronto.

But I don't just want my baby to go to anyone, so I have a few questions for potential owners:

I've seen a lot of blogs close their doors and I've seen others just wither on the vine. I don't want to do that. I'd like CH to continue, just without me.

So, I'm throwing it out there. E-mail me at and we'll talk.

My farewell post will also announce the new owner.

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