Friday, March 31, 2006

POLITICS AS USUAL: Three Great Ladies

Those of you outside Ontario may find this one a little Ontario-centric as I am just updating the by-election results. With John Baird and Jim Flaherty now sitting around the federal cabinet table, the local provincial ridings required a by-election.

I am happy to say that Christine Elliott and Lisa MacLeod won in Whitby-Ajax and Nepean-Carleton respectively. They both won by comfortable margins (regardless of what some people say about Whitby-Ajax, the fact that Judy Longfield, the former liberal MP had huge name recogonition didn't help her overcome the Tory stronghold.)

I am sorry to say Georgina Blanas in Toronto faired a bit more poorly, but given the two heavy contenders from the Liberals and NDP, I feel she held her own.

I was happy to see that we fielded three great women candidates. Two more for our caucus and I am hopeful we will see Georgina out again.

Congratulations Ladies. Well done.


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