Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I am a big supporter of Early Childhood Education. But I don't believe it should be confused with DayCare.

I think that there should be resources available for education children early in life and those resources should be equally available to those who choose to stay at home with their children as those who need to use day care to make a living.

My wife and I make every effort to use what little we know to provide a sound basis for our kids education. We are also lucky enough to have two resource centres in our small town that offer a coop style resource centre for early childhood education. But neither of these two resource centres is for day care. The parents have to help with the maintenance in order to belong and we have access to a early childhood educator.

Nothing in the Liberal day care plan would enhance these centres or benefit those who choose to stay at home with their kids.

I understand that the Childcare Allowance the Tories are going to propose today is not a daycare alternative. However, it will go a long way in providing a little relief to those of us who are punished for choosing to stay home and raise our kids.


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