Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hipsters: a hand, please?

In efforts to make this site cooler (sorry, Q), I would like to post some YouTubeness from time-to-time.

But as usual, there are no clear instructions on how exactly to do that.

Folks? A little help?

Danka in advance, hipsters!

Hey guys,

When you find the video you like, there should be code for "embed" - on the right.

Highlight the HTML code in that text box, and then come over to your blog post.

Click the Edit HTML tab at the top of your post, then paste away.

C'est tout.
if you go to any youtube page, there are two links on the right hand side. one is the url to link directly to the page -- right below it is the embedding code. to use either, click in its box and then copy (right click -> select all or ctrl-C) and then paste or ctrl-V it into your post. t-t-that's all!

Thanks guys!
By the way, for the audience at home, jim and pierre both left virtually identical comments because the comment moderation fucntion was on and they weren't displayed.

Didn't want you all to thing these boys were doughheads.
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