Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Top 3 Reasons to Support John Tory..

1. His wife.
2. Barbara Hackett is married to John Tory.
3. The opportunity to have a smokin' first lady.
Yeah, yeah, she's had work done. Whatever, ladies. Don't care. It working for me, that's for sure!
I have a crush and I don't really care who knows it. She's smart too. Double awesome.
Now, I personally think John gets extra marks for catching (and keeping) a fox like Barbara. Show's he must be worth keeping around. I think it should be worth something electorally - let's say 3 seats.
But how does Barbara measure up to the other spouses?
Got that wholesome, cute look going on.
I'm down with that.
Uh, she has wonderful handwriting.
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Looks like those are the only three reasons to support John Tory. When it comes to his fiscal policies (let alone social policies) he's no different than McGuinty.
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