Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mark Steyn/Maclean's Support Button

To show my support for Mark Steyn and Macleans in this stupid Human Rights Commission complaint, I have put together a button to display on blogs, which you can see on our sidebar.

If you want to post it on your blog, go to this LINK, click on the image and use it to post to your blog. If you're new to blogging and need instructions, check out the comments for instructions (for Blogger, but I suspect every blogging program is similar).

Shout outs are always welcome, but its most important to actually put it up. Let us know if you do so we can give you a shout out as well.

UPDATE: Kate over at Small Dead Animals has been kind enough to post the button for her readers. Much appreciated.

UPDATE PART DEUX: Welcome Five Feet of Fury. Thanks for the link.

UPDATE PART.. WELL, WHATEVER "THREE" IS IN FRENCH: Word is spreading. We've got a link up over at Michelle Malkin and My Two Cents Worth. Welcome all.

UPDATE PART FOUR: New buttons are coming....

Great idea but I think I've got a better one. Every Canadian blogger, journalist, newspaper and magazine publisher should publish the same chapter from Mark's book (with his permission) that Maclean's magazine published and which is the cause of the human rights complaint by the CIC. This would send a spectacular message to everyone who gives a damn about free speech in Canada but more importantly to those who want to censor free speech. It might even lead to legislative changes to the human rights act.

What do you think?
I think that's a great idea, and Q and I would be more than happy to participate.

I might even help to organize it.
I'll do it too, no problem (assuming you care for my company!)

A nice "I'm Spartacus" gesture.

What would happen if we all showed up at the hearings and begged to be arrested? We could even bring our own handcuffs. Ok, me...
Excellent idea B-Double

Love the button and I like the idea of posting the column.

I love your button but I have no idea how to reduce it to code so that I can put it permanently in the margin of my blog. Also, being mostly computer illiterate, i cannot find your email. Pls advise.
I think you need to fix the LINK to the button gif.... and your e-mail address seems to be missing.

I'm only partially handicapped in this stuff so pretty sure you got problem... ;)
Hey OMMAG: Link works (I tested it) and I think I've corrected the e-mail problem.

Thanks for alerting us.
Hey folks: here's the deal on how to post the button.

If you go to the link and got to the website, you can click on the actual button which will take you to a seperate page. The address ending in .gif is what you will be cutting and pasting into your blog.

In the Blogger dashboard, go into your template and figure out where you want to put the button. I put it as the first item in the sidebar, which is well marked in the template HTML code (it basically says "Put what you want in your sidebar in this section")

Once you have decided where you want to put it, you need to enter this code: < IMG SRC="link" > (with no spaces).

Once its there, you can preview the blog to make sure you have the positioning right. Keep repositioning it until you like where it is.

Save the changes to the template and you're good to go!
Thanks for the instructions. I've got it posted on my blog, My Two Cents Worth. Thanks again.
I can't make it work! Waaah! So, no spaces? Argh! And now the combox won't let me leave HTML code. Waah!
Did the HRC never hear of Winston Churchill?

Winston wrote in blunt honesty about the Muslim modus operandi.

Steyn, by comparison was on good behaviour.= TG
I keep clicking on the button but nothing happens.
Hi folks:

You can right click the button to save it as a picture. However, if you want to put it on your blog, you need to paste the link (http://hipster29.googlepages.com/CHMacleans_new.gif) into the HTML code of your blog that I explained above.

Clicking on the button itself will not do anything.
As an additional "gesture", why doesn't some energetic Canadian take a couple of pamphlets, handouts, and a Koran from a local mosque and prepare a HUMAN Rights Complaint against the Imam of the mosque where these materials are found? The Koran itself contains enough hate speech to fill out a TEN PAGE human rights commission complaint.

Now THAT would be a Spartacus equivalent gesture.
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