Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In and Out...

First, for the record, let me state that I find it deplorable that the name given to this perceived scandal does not relate to sex.

Second, I couldn't find anything to disagree with in this article by Chantal Hebert.

Third, it seems that this is blown out of proportion. Political parties are always looking at ways to work within the rules to maximize their spending.

While the "spirit of the law" may have been circumvented, the letter of the law is pretty clear:

1) Transfers from the central party to riding associations are legal
2) Invoicing by the central party for work done on behalf of the riding association is legal
3) Tailoring an advertisement for local production by the local candidate is legal. In fact, at all the training sessions I have been at, we hit the candidates and the campaign managers over the head with the "consistent message" theme.

In 1995, I was responsible for helping 14 ridings during the provincial campaign. This well organized campaign had all the media messaging for the candidates ready to go. A sort of "insert candidates name/photo here" kind of thing. We used the ads in the local media and did relatively well. Back then, it was the central campaign that was strapped for cash, so the local ridings had to pick up the slack to get the message out.

How is this different?

Critics would say it was organized. Well, yes, as a card carrying Tory, I hope to God it was organized. That would be a refreshing change from most of the campaigns I have helped out on since 1995.


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