Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hey Sharon: Shut the Holy Hell Up!

Sometimes I wonder why any news agency in the world would give a damn about what actors and entertainers think when they are off stage or not on screen. Then I realized that it just makes for good copy. Here's Hollywood intellectual Sharon Stone imparting her wisdom on why the earthquakes took place in China:
"I'm not happy about the way that the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because
I don't think anyone should be unkind to anyone else," she told reporters at
Cannes. "And so I have been very concerned about how to think and what to do
because I don't like that." She said she's also been wondering how the United
States should handle the Olympics because China is "not being nice to the Dalai
Lama, who's a good friend of mine." When the earthquake hit, Stone wondered if
it was a case of what goes around, comes around. "Then all this earthquake and
all this stuff happened, and I thought, is that karma? When you're not nice,
that the bad things happen to you."

You don't like being unkind to anyone else? Really? Are you sure?

To quote Al Pacino in the cinematic classic Heat: I am over-f**king-whelmed.

So, the Communist Chinese government refuses to give up militarily strategic territory and the karmic invoice is over 20,000 citizens losing their lives? How is that nice?

Isn't displaying breathtakingly callous indifference to the plight of poor people suffering from a natural disaster cruel on a Darth Vader scale?

You think your pal the Dalai Lama is looking at the earthquake victims, giggling to himself and muttering "Serves you right, you rat bastards." Maybe, but I doubt it.

Sharon Stone needs to stick to what she does best: desperately clinging to her beauty from 20 years ago and playing minor roles in forgettable films.

That's the Sharon Stone I know and ignore.

Why the Chinese government would even take notice of the ravings of some 'C-List' actor is beyond me. I expect a response from the North American media types since most of them are on the same intellectual level as this publicity seeking twit. What next: will the press breathlessly report on the vacous pronouncements of some teen horror flick celebrity as she reads the future from the runes she has cast in her room in some pricey detox centre?
Another useless celebrity's opinion. I'm sick to death of celebrities telling me how many squares of toilet paper to use, how much gas to use, and trying to educate me about politics. These people need to stick to their acting/singing and keep their opinions to themselves. Sharon Stone is an idiot.

"Will the press breathlessly report on the vacous pronouncements of some teen horror flick celebrity as she reads the future from the runes she has cast in her room in some pricey detox centre?"

Couldn't of said it better.

Anon: I agree - which is why I generally ignore "celebritards." But ol' Sharon's brainwave about karmic payback was too much to ignore.
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