Monday, July 14, 2008

Trouble4Tory - Part II

Another little birdie in the bowels of Queen's Park sent me the following e-mail, which was apparently forwarded to all PC Queen's Park and Constit Offices - in error. The author is no stranger to PC folk - but I will only use her first name, because if you don't know her you really don't know the Party.

Needless to say she was a fixture at Queen's Park and a tireless worker. It says a LOT that she couldn't hack it in the new environment. And what it says is all bad. Not sure why her replacement forwarded it in the first place, but whatever. Let's take a look-see:

From: XXXXXXXX, Joyce
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 11:48 AM
To: 2 Constituency Offices
Subject: FW: regards


Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 11:46 AM
Subject: regards

Dear members and staff

I am so sorry I didn't call before I left PC Caucus with an explanation, but I was very depressed with the all situation. I just want you all to know that I will miss you all and that I loved working with all of you very much, I loved what I did with all my heart. I am home for now but I want you to Know if any of you needs any help at the QP office for a day or so, I am more then happy to come and help, voluntarily. I just could not stay working with this new people they are to full of .....sorry for my french.

Please call anytime @XXX-XXX-XXXX or write to Filomena [Address deleted - ed.]

E-mail: ( husband's name)

LOVE you all

Oh my. Now, there is definitely a part of me that is posting this because I'm a sh*t disturber. But a much larger part of me loves the Party and its members and I want to see a PC government in power again.

I also believe that sunlight is the best disinfectant. If there is a problem within the Party, and it sure does seem like there is, we do not gain anything by hiding it. Best deal with it directly. I used to really shy away from "airing dirty laundry" in public, but I'm not sure anyone within the Party is willing to a) admit things are not good at the moment and b) do anything to change it.

Now, if anyone would like to share "another side" of the story, I am happy to post it.

Idiocy. Pure and simple idiocy to let her go.
Not to mention the way that B.C. was treated, and now Fil.

As someone who used to be a diehard JT supporter, I am on the verge of sending in my membership card (or at least that lame Team Tory card they send me last fall).
Tory's proved that he is more interested in remaining in the Toronto Old Boy's Network than actually leading a political party with integrity.
Hey Anon (I): Didn't know either gals were pushed out. Good to know. I agree with you - pure idiocy.

Anon (II): Could be. Could be.
This is only matched by the travesty of what they (JT and AP) did to Barb Cowieson. She was the most loyal soldier and knew where all the bodies are buried -- yet they unceremoniously dump her and then tell everyone she 'retired' just to make themselves look good..... brutal.....

I wish JT would take the Rosedale boys and go to the Jays....... it would mean that for the next 20 years the Jays would have no chance of winning a world series -- but at least the Party could get back on its feet......
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