Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Trouble4Tory - Part III

This is the last of the series, at least for now.

This time, I will ask a question (well two questions, actually) that I know the answer to. But I think its something the media (or more importantly Party members) may want to ask John Tory.

Here goes:

1. Hey John - did you recently ask a PC MPP to vacate their seat so you could run in a by-election to get back in the Legislature?

2. So, what was the answer?

Actually, dear CH readers, I think you know the answer to both questions.

Again, not good.

What riding did his Lordship pick? Truth is he has never won anything. Orangeville was a gift.
Anon: I won't say - for now.
Has Mr. Tory not bought you off yet? I figured you would have a sweet gig right now in his "policy" shop.
I was on a BT conference call with him the other day. I can't say that I'm entirely convinced, although he's desperately trying to court the Harris crowd back on side. Personally, I'd like to see the party shift back to the right instead of slowly inching back into Bill David territory. No thank you.
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