Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My right to hate

There are some groups of people I hate.

I hate left-leaning liberals who believe they know what's best for me and are intolerant of my lifestyle..

I hate far right neo-nazis and any other group that practices intolerance.

I hate religious leaders who believe they can speak for God and invoke His/Her name to promote intolerance.

I also hate environmentalists who are unwilling to practice what they preach.

I hate Human Rights Commissions who feel they can legislate tolerance.


Yeah, I hate some of those things, too. But why are neo-nazis considered "far right"?
"But why are neo-nazis considered "far right"?"

Because that's who they allied themselves with, regardless of what the "socialist" in their official title stood for; the "Liberals" of today are about as far as you can get from a true "liberal", yet that doesn't stop them from CALLING themselves "liberals", does it? The Nazis were clearly NOT "socialists" or "leftists", since they fought against those groups whenever and wherever they had the chance, whether in Germany or in Spain, or in any of the countries they invaded. Therefore, in the conventional "left-right" scheme of politics (which has its own problems), that leaves them out on the far right.
And I hate the moral relativists who try to equate all and every opinions, customs, habits, religions, traditions, dogmas, cultures, etc and then try to deny me my right to judge and my right to hate.
read Liberal Fascism. Nazis were not far-right by any means.
The Nazis in Germany allied with the German Communist party to overthrow the Wiemar Republic. The far left of whatever stripe, cooperate with each other and more moderate leftist groups to takeover a country. Then they fight amongst themselves for control. Of course the communists have never forgiven the Nazis for winning the fight in Germany. Even worse, they realized that Russia would not stand for a German dominated Europe and attacked Russia first. Besides it is quite useful for the left to claim that the Nazis were far right extremists. Magicians use the same technique, draw everybody's attention to one thing to hide what is going on elsewhere.
"The Nazis in Germany allied with the German Communist party to overthrow the Wiemar Republic. The far left of whatever stripe, cooperate with each other and more moderate leftist groups to takeover a country."

Just as the far right does and did; examples include Hitler, Mussolinini, Franco, and Pinochet. Any one of these wingnuts would have been happy to string you up with piano wire for daring to suggest that they were "left-wing", and many people found themselves in exactly that situation. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is an old, old game, with no indication that it's going to go out of style any time soon. More recent examples include the Taliban in Afghanistan, and Hussein in Iraq, and extremists of ALL stripes are happy to play it, because they figure they can control the eventual outcome. The tactics and techniques of the extreme ends of the spectrum don't differ to any great degree, but what they CLAIM to believe in does, and that's what tells you where they're coming from, and how they plan to use individuals for their own political gain.
I don't hate Conservatives who want to legislate what is best for me and are intolerant of my lifestyle or views -- I just feel sorry for them.

That God one is a goodie.... good luck explaining it to our, or any other, fundamentalists.
"I don't hate Conservatives who want to legislate what is best for me and are intolerant of my lifestyle or views -- I just feel sorry for them."

The leftists who want to legislate what is best for ME, or are intolerant of MY lifestyle or views are just as bad, stageleft. Don't kid yourself; POWER is what drives extremists on both the left and the right, and neither of them have shown any shyness about stepping all over your freedoms as an individual if they see them as somehow being in the way of getting that power.
Indeed they are Anonymous, any philosophy that seeks to take choice away from the citizens is authoritarian, and therefor wrong.... I brought up Conservatives because our esteemed host seems to have forgotten to mention them.
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