Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rainy Day Musings

So council went late last night. Must be an election year. Our Cogeco tech who films all our meetings (poor bastard) commented that he hadn't seen this much grandstanding in three years :-)

Went out for a beer afterwards with my ward mate and discussed the dynamics of the council and as such, I am wiped.

Add a sick kid, and my level of alertness has dwindled.

On top of that, it is a lousy day (no snow, thank goodness), but a miserable rainy day.

So with all that, here are a couple of musings on life, universe and everything:

1) Liberal Leadership

I believe that Stephen Harper will beat either Rae or Iggy. My reason for think that if the Liberals choose Rae, we win Ontario. If they choose Iggy, we win Quebec. Ontario is not ready to forgive Bob Rae for what he did to this province and listening to him in this recent debate, he has not learned from his mistakes and is unable to defend his record. In Quebec, Iggy is on the same side of the issues that are pulling us down (Afghanistan and close to the Americans), so will the federalist forces vote for Harper or Harper-lite. I also think Harper is in a position in the next budget to make some major changes to the equalization system that will benefit Quebec and Iggy is going to have to vote against it to defeat the budget and then defend that in Quebec.

2) Missile Defense

Why would we not sign on to a defensive system that will protect our cities from errant missiles when it doesn't cost us anything. How can it accelerate an arms race? Please explain that to me.

3) Municipal Campaigns

I don't understand why some candidates think it is enough to publish their resumes and that should be a reason to vote for them. Doesn't anyone discuss ideas anymore? Our local paper lamented the fact that "good" people do not run for council because it is too hard to knock of incumbents, but then they refuse to publish letters to the editor from candidates or engage in discussions of ideas.

4) Sick Kids

If you have a child with a cold and cough, I suggest not bringing them into to be with you, for when they wake you up at 3:30 am in the morning coughing their lovely, little kiddie cooties into your face, you WILL get the cold and cough in the next 24 hours. It is how that works and also explains why I am in a miserable mood.

Q out

PS Sorry for the length of time between posts, campaign is heating up and I am out knocking on doors and making phone calls.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sorry for the lack of posts.

My municipal campaign is heating up with 4 candidates for 2 positions in Ward 2.

While I remain cautiously optimistic about my chances in this election, I have also committed to helping out several of the other first time candidates (trying to bring a few more like-minded individuals into the fold) and we have a race for mayor which is going to make the dynamic that much more interesting.

On top of all that, two big projects at work are going to hell in a handbasket, so what little free time was there for blogging, is being eaten away.

So, for the next couple of weeks, forgive me if my posts are infrequent and not up to par with previous correspondence.

Q out of it for a while.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Life Imitating Art...

...okay Global junkies...

Cast your minds back to the show Traders.

Early in season 1, Bob Rae has a cameo. On the front steps of Queen's Park, a "liberal" activist is talking to Rae.

She says something along the lines of "this neo con slant isn't going to last forever, and when the pendulum swings back, the party will be looking for a leader like you."

I wish I could find the exact episode.

Just crossed my mind today with all the results pooring in from the weekend.

I wonder if Bob knew he was in a tv show at the time?


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