Friday, April 22, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
As we've seen in recent days, there has been much effort on the part of Martin and Co. to early and often evoke fear in Canadians for the so-called "hidden agenda" that the Conservatives have to destroy Canada as we know it.
I actually think its more than spin--FIBerals actually believe it.
I will recount a conversation I had last week with a GTA Councillor who was also a FIBeral candidate in the last election.
This person told me: "Listen, I'm a fiscal conservative. I believe in effiicient, smaller government, keeping taxes reasonable and I'm a big law and order person".
Sounds good right? Councillor X also told me that he/she grew up in a hard working, blue-collar household that prided itself on self-sufficiency and living within their means.
All good. But here's where it kinda goes of the rails.
Councillor X then follows up with: "But its health care. I can't side with the Tories on that one. I'm for public health care."
To which I asked: "Are you saying the Tories are against public health care?"
Councillor X replies: "Well, I know they have a hidden agenda on health care reform".
I, of course, responded by telling him/her that that kind of a reply will ensure that he/she doesn't get a copy of the Tories' "Handbook for Dismantling Heathcare in Canada"(tm) or a decoder ring.
But the funny thing is that Councillor X was basicially telling me this belief in the existence of a "hidden agenda" is why he/she is a FIBeral, and not a Conservative. Although he/she couldn't come up with a specific policy that offended him/her, it was this "secret plan" that guided his/her decision.
I'm not sure how many times we have to publicly state--both in speeches, etc and in our policies--that we have no plans to privatize/destroy/sell/eliminate/ban public health care.
It just seems that Canadians believe that Conservatives have some other plans we're not talking about.
That is what I think is keeping us in opposition. We address that, we will have a Conservative majority government.
I actually think its more than spin--FIBerals actually believe it.
I will recount a conversation I had last week with a GTA Councillor who was also a FIBeral candidate in the last election.
This person told me: "Listen, I'm a fiscal conservative. I believe in effiicient, smaller government, keeping taxes reasonable and I'm a big law and order person".
Sounds good right? Councillor X also told me that he/she grew up in a hard working, blue-collar household that prided itself on self-sufficiency and living within their means.
All good. But here's where it kinda goes of the rails.
Councillor X then follows up with: "But its health care. I can't side with the Tories on that one. I'm for public health care."
To which I asked: "Are you saying the Tories are against public health care?"
Councillor X replies: "Well, I know they have a hidden agenda on health care reform".
I, of course, responded by telling him/her that that kind of a reply will ensure that he/she doesn't get a copy of the Tories' "Handbook for Dismantling Heathcare in Canada"(tm) or a decoder ring.
But the funny thing is that Councillor X was basicially telling me this belief in the existence of a "hidden agenda" is why he/she is a FIBeral, and not a Conservative. Although he/she couldn't come up with a specific policy that offended him/her, it was this "secret plan" that guided his/her decision.
I'm not sure how many times we have to publicly state--both in speeches, etc and in our policies--that we have no plans to privatize/destroy/sell/eliminate/ban public health care.
It just seems that Canadians believe that Conservatives have some other plans we're not talking about.
That is what I think is keeping us in opposition. We address that, we will have a Conservative majority government.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A picture is worth a thousand words...

For those who don't travel by Bay and Gerrard streets in Toronto, I thought I'd post the new billboard from the folks at ""
Here's an interesting site a little birdie told me about:
Its still under construction, but a useful site for some great quotes from our favorite FIBeral Public Works Minister.
When he was a Conservative.
Actually, a Conservative MP.
Oh, and a Conservative Leadership Candidate.
Like, 2 years ago.
Its still under construction, but a useful site for some great quotes from our favorite FIBeral Public Works Minister.
When he was a Conservative.
Actually, a Conservative MP.
Oh, and a Conservative Leadership Candidate.
Like, 2 years ago.
THIS is crap.
And the electorate should be pissed.
Silencing the opposition is what bad countries do.
But at least you know the Tories are getting under their skin.
And the electorate should be pissed.
Silencing the opposition is what bad countries do.
But at least you know the Tories are getting under their skin.
Monday, April 11, 2005

"Can you believe this crap? This sucks."

I know, I know. 36% in the polls nationally, 40% is Ontario. Break out the champagne. But before we start speculating on who will get which Cabinet post, or what Minister you'll be sending your CV to, I think a more thorough look at those EKOS numbers are warranted.
The numbers are impressive, no doubt. We haven't been this popular, since, well, a pretty friggin long time. And we're positively giddy.
But that doesn't mean we should fly headlong into an election. Herewith are CH's top 3 reasons that we should NOT call an election in the immediate future:
- 62 per cent of those polled thought an election shouldn't take place until a report is issued from Gomery later this year. Almost 2/3 of Canadians feel that we should wait to get the whole story. That means we are open to FIBeral lines like "These are only allegations" and "We need to see what Justice Gomery reports". Its not like Gomery is going to be soft on these boys. Why do you think FIBeral blowhard Warring Kinsella has been wetting himself trying to discredit him?
- A plurality--37 per cent--called Adscam "no worse than other government scandals". Now, I know "other scandals" are the $1 Billion gun registry, HRDC, etc , BUT it shows that people are seeing this as "business as usual". There seems to be no real suprise here that the FIBs are wasting our money.
- The number one area of interest for Canadians are "social issues". Fiscal issues were deemed as least important. How long do you think it will be until the debate turns into one about abortion, same sex marriage and health care? About 5 seconds. I think it will be extremely difficult to keep talking about Gomery for 36 days.
Combine those facts with the BC provincial election, the Queen's visit and that Gomery still has a number of other witnesses to go, I see no reason to go right away. I'd wait until the end of May, see where the numbers are and make a decision.
We can use that time to tell Canadians concretely where we stand and what a Conservative government would look like--and act like.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
From the Globe's Jane Taber:
"An unassuming 42-year-old call-centre manager and Star Trek fan from Minneapolis, Minn., has provoked a political firestorm in Canada."
"The Captain Ed nickname comes as a result of a gift from an old girlfriend. Twenty years ago, Mr. Morrissey was a huge Star Trek fan. So his girlfriend bought him a personalized licence plate that said 'Captain Ed.'"
And like that, Bloggers everwhere have become--geeks.
"An unassuming 42-year-old call-centre manager and Star Trek fan from Minneapolis, Minn., has provoked a political firestorm in Canada."
"The Captain Ed nickname comes as a result of a gift from an old girlfriend. Twenty years ago, Mr. Morrissey was a huge Star Trek fan. So his girlfriend bought him a personalized licence plate that said 'Captain Ed.'"
And like that, Bloggers everwhere have become--geeks.
Monday, April 04, 2005

His Holiness

I'm not usually one to give up the right to run my yap, but I think my fellow blogger Adam Daifallah said it best about the passing of Pope John Paul. I'll let him take it from here:
"Along with Ronald Reagan, the American labour movement (yes, they were pro-freedom at that time) and the CIA (whose then-director, William Casey, the Pope regularly met with in secret) John Paul II helped bring revolution to his native land, which kickstarted the collapse of the Iron Curtain across Eastern Europe. John Paul spoke out against violators of freedom the world over through the entire course of his papacy. Because of that he will not only go down as one of the key religious leaders of modern times but also as one of the most important political ones. He was a liberator, a visionary, and a statesman.
Let us never forget his immense contribution in bringing human rights, freedom, and democracy to the world's oppressed peoples."
Well said.
C'mon in, take a seat and rap with me, brother.....
Look waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down at the bottom on the right.
Look waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down at the bottom on the right.

So long, Steph She puts the "ass" in "sass"

This is what I feared.
So we're down to the final 8. The time when things really start to heat up. And just as the rubber hits the road......
They get rid of all the intesting people.
Now I'm not going to lie to you. I was starting to get attached to Erin. Especially when she hosted that TV auction (RIP John) when she looked super hottttttttttttttt.
But one smart ass remark later and she's toast.
So who do we have? Not a personality among 'em. They're all BORING. The ONLY one I'm waiting for is Chris. All that white hot rage just ready to explode. I hope when he goes out, its, as the big DT says "a disaster". I think it might be.
Unfortunately, we already know Chris is a dead man. When Donald specifically says that "something's not right with that guy" I have a feeling that he won't be making it to the final 2. Or the final 4.
So, who do I think will be in the final 2?
My guess?
Alex and Tana.
The whitest guy and gal on the planet.
Can't you feel the excitement?
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